2 Timothy 3:14-15
But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
We believe that the teen years are crucial when it comes to their spiritual formation. Our desire is to create an environment where teens feel safe to ask questions, grow in their understanding of the Bible, and see the beauty of a life lived for Christ.

Youth Group (7th-12th grade) meets every Wednesday from 7:00-8:15pm and is designed to help our teens find answers to questions of faith and life based on God's Word. Our goal is to present the good news of the gospel and help them apply their faith in Jesus to everyday life. Regular fun activities create a positive atmosphere where relationships can be built and strengthened.
We offer a Youth Sunday School class from 9:30-10:30am every Sunday morning. The class is a combination of instruction and discussion, led by one of our youth leaders. Topics that are relevant to the teens are addressed from a biblical point of view.

We want to challenge our teens to share their faith and to serve those in need by going on a missions trip. Lighthouse Missions is a ministry located in Bellport, NY that exists to feed the hungry and help the homeless by sharing God's love with people in practical ways.

Mission Impossible
Mission Impossible is an outreach event in the fall at a nearby camp. It is a lively evening with music, games and a property-wide version of Capture the Flag. The gospel is clearly presented and the teens are encouraged to bring friends.

Snow Camp
Word of Life's Snow Camp is a life-changing event held in Schroon Lake, NY. The teens experience exciting activities and hear relevant biblical teaching as they are invited to pursue a deeper relationship with Jesus. Snow Camp takes place at the beginning of the calendar year.

Three Springs Retreat
Three Springs Retreat is the Youth Group's weekend away. It is the highlight of the year. The enjoyment of each other's company and focused study of God's Word builds unity. Three Springs Retreat is held in the spring.