I'm New


Going to a church for the first time can be challenging. We want to make your first experience at Garden Chapel a positive one. Here is some information about our church.

Our church family is made up of young and old. We preach faithfully from the Bible weekly. To make the most of your worship experience, we encourage you to bring a copy of God’s Word with you. If you don’t have a Bible, that is okay! We’ll gladly give you a Bible to keep.

Our 8:00am service is smaller in attendance and lasts one hour. We sing a few hymns before the sermon. From 9:30-10:30am we run our Sunday School program for adults, teens and children. During our 10:45am service our Praise Team leads us to exalt Jesus Christ as we prepare our hearts to hear God’s Word spoken to us.

We want to get to know you, but will not make you stand up and introduce yourself. You'll find our church to be friendly to new people. We are looking forward to seeing you!

What To Expect Sunday Morning

While music style varies, we love to praise the Lord together through song. We also pray, give, read scripture and listen to the message. There is childcare available during the 10:45am worship service for infants up to 3rd grade. Plan to hang around after the service for fellowship and meeting new people.

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When We Meet

Sunday Mornings

8:00am, 9:30am and 10:45am

Wednesday Evenings
