Matthew 19:14
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”
The goal of the Children's Ministry is to plant seeds of the gospel in the lives of our children, to help them grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ, and bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit in their lives.

Our Nursery Ministry supports parents by providing for the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of our youngest during our 10:45 worship service and special events. We ask parents to turn in a contact information sheet for every new child. You can fill out the information about your child or children below.

We want to introduce children to the stories, truths, and principles of the Bible. Using The Gospel Project curriculum, Preschool through 2nd grade go through the Bible in three years, learning about God's big story in Jesus. Children in 3rd-6th grade also learn how to read and study the Bible themselves, guided by one of our teachers.

Junior Church is available during the Sunday 10:45am worship service for children ages 3 through 3rd grade. The children interact with the Bible stories, songs, videos, and activities, helping them to engage with God on their level. Kindergarten through 3rd grade begins in the sanctuary and will be dismissed before the sermon.
Every Wednesday from 7:00-8:15pm, we offer the Word of Life Olympians program for 1st through 6th grade. The WOL program emphasizes the following key spiritual components: sound Biblical teaching, scripture memory, daily quiet time devotional, Christian service, and consistent attendance. The curriculum uses the Olympic theme by using a medal system (gold, silver, and bronze) for different levels of achievement. Word of Life gives discounts for camps and medals to honor those who worked hard.
The quiet time lessons connect with the weekly teaching. Because we believe that everyone benefits from being in God's Word each day, we provide devotionals for our kids at half price.

The Garden Chapel's Parent's Portal is our parent's Facebook group to inform parents about what their children and teens are learning in the various ministries they participate in. We also regularly post encouragements for parents to continue strong in their responsibility of raising their children for the Lord. If you have children or teens that attend, we encourage you to join the Parent's Portal. Click the link below and request to join our closed Facebook group.
Vacation Bible School is a week-long ministry during the summer for children in Kindergarten to 6th grade. They will experience God's Word in a fun, unique, and creative way. We use games, crafts, snacks, music, and stories to show children how God loves them and calls them into a relationship with Him. Our VBS is absolutely FREE for all children!
This year we will be headed to Breaker Rock Beach where the children will be challenged to stand on God's rock-solid truth in a world of shifting sands. Adventure awaits each day as kids explore tide pools, spot orcas, fly kites, and watch the mighty waves crash against the immovable Breaker Rock!
We invite you to join us for VBS on July 15-19, from 6-8:15PM. To register your child, click on the button below.
We invite you to join us for VBS on July 15-19, from 6-8:15PM. To register your child, click on the button below.

Garden Chapel partners with CEF (Child Evangelism Fellowship) to host the Good News Club® at our church. The purpose of this after-school club is to introduce children to the gospel and to disciple them. We offer a time of singing and scripture memory as well as missionary stories, review games and other activities. The club is for children in Kindergarten to 5th grade and is held Thursday afternoon during the school year from 4:00-5:30pm at our church. We run a van to pick up students from Kunkle Elementary School. Permission slips are needed and available at the church or in the school office.
Family Worship Service Sundays
Our Family Worship Service Sundays started with the vision of bringing our younger children into the main worship service together to celebrate God's goodness with their families and children intentionally see the adults as an example in worship. We want to demonstrate to the younger generations what it looks like to worship, sing, give, pray, and listen to God's Word together as brothers and sisters in Christ. We also have a Children's Chat that focuses biblical truth to the children's level.
Family Worship Sundays are scheduled for 5th Sundays, as well as Holidays. For 5th Sundays, children begin in our worship service and are excused at the time of the sermon for age appropriate classrooms. On Holidays, children stay with their families for the whole service.
Current Family Worship Services are scheduled for November 24th(Thanksgiving), December 22nd(Christmas), December 29th, March 30th.
Current Family Worship Services are scheduled for November 24th(Thanksgiving), December 22nd(Christmas), December 29th, March 30th.